Macrame Inspired Miniature


By Sharmini Jayawardena

This bit of art πŸ–Ό is done on a piece of board with about 7 cuts, each of 1/4” depth, on the top and bottom of the board.

This could be considered the loom on which the woven work is created.

This is the Pin I was inspired by ⬇️

The work was created with coloured paper rope, random beads, white chord or twine and a piece of a twig with which to hold it all together.

I like it’s windswept look πŸ‘€πŸ˜Š

Here, it is framed in a box frame I created by repurposing a souvenir box. I painted it all around the front with gold paint. It is stuck to the wall with blue tack or white tack that it comes in lately.

I remembered later while going through some hand made jewelry Pins, that it can also be worn as a piece of jewelry around a chain.

How cool 😎 is this, πŸ‘‰πŸ½to pick up your pendant from off of a wall where it sits framed 😁, wear it and return it back to adorn the wall.

This reminds me of how I use colourful Malaysian batik sarongs to cover a table as a table cloth or just wrap my cushions in, as cushion covers!

I was taken by surprise when apprentices on the TVπŸ“Ί Series, β€˜The House of DVF’ of Diane Von Furstanburg, fame, did the same on an episode on E! 🀩.


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