On Being A Constitutional Purist

In the Spotlight

By President-Elect Sharmini Jayawardena

You’d wonder what this purism is all about. Well, I didn’t want to call myself a constitutional originalist though that’s what purism is all about, with respect to the Constitution. I am a purist because I don’t want to be lumped together with those who call themselves originalists and work at getting rid of swathes of the original document just to prove their point.

To digress from the topic at hand, I’ve been hearing more than once of not so nice words been spoken about the Founding Fathers of Our Great Nation, and it makes me sick and sad at the same time.

So what if our founders were Masons! To begin with you too are categorized as belonging to one way of thinking or another. But that doesn’t make you all bad nor are all those categorized in your same label, bad! There I said it. So just like yourselves, there are good Masons and bad Masons.

Besides, Masonry today, is different to what Masonry was back in the seventeen hundreds. You have to consider all of these factors before you put your foot in your mouth. It is sad that some of those who slander the Founders also belong to the Republican Party. I think they have no idea of what they are about. They should be the first to know the aberrations of the Republicans In Name Only or RINOs, who are destroying the Party itself! In other words, those who slander the Founders are totally and absolutely confused and/ or ignorant, or both. They are people whom you can’t even call the “young and gullible” for some of them are in there seventies!

All of that being said, I’m a constitutional purist because I refer to the original document as a reference point. The difference between a constitutionalist and an originalist, is just that.

The constitutionalists are the liberal socialist democrats or those who think like they do. Those who say the days and the ways of the Founders don’t apply to today’s life! They interpret the original document in ways that suit their own beliefs. What happens if each one of us go on to interpret the Constitution in our own way? We will end up having as many constitutions as there are American people.

This is the reason why I have become a purist. so that I can always stand by the original document, which distinguishes myself from the constitutionalists who also like to refer to themselves as originalists! Another reason for this being, If we keep modifying the Constitution, there will be nothing left of it in its original form and we will be eventually looking at a document entirely different from the original Document. That can’t be called the Constitution of the United States!

So, wayward changes and biased interpretations eventually amount to nothing. Just as they want to change our very identity, our gender, our language, our mathematics, and everything else they are good at changing to suit themselves, for their singular benefit. They want to change the Constitution as well. if this practice is allowed to hold sway, they will ultimately reduce the Constitution itself, to nothing, just like they have done to themselves!

Right now, conservatives are fighting to keep life principles just as they should be. These are Unalienable Natural Rights granted to man by God, being reduced to writing in the Constitution.

For those who want to challenge the very existence of life itself, it becomes a very difficult task to hold on to existing Natural Rights. The dim turds want to turn everything as we know it, on its head! It’s a very sad day for this planet and for those who have chosen to live on it as tradition deems fit. To have to put up with the common core educated or those who think like them, requires a special skills set.

When I said this to some one, that, certain Republicans think the Founders are Masons and that the Founders were bad people, he just told me – “So what if they were Masons?!” “Yes, So what!”. It doesn’t really matter does it?! For, we have built the greatest economy, the greatest Nation in the world, as provided for us by the Founders. Based upon their way of governance, that of the Rule of Law and not of Man, all Americans are born equal, One Nation, under One God. To be governed by Natural Law is the greatest gift. The Founders bequeathed this to us, having had it reduced to writing in the Constitution, Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence!

The evidence for all of the Founders’ success is right here before us as the United States of America! What more evidence than this.

Of course we have been cheated badly by the Democrats and the RINOs, many times in history. In the year 1913, they surreptitiously introduced the fourth branch of government, called the Administrative State, in to the Constitution, during the presidency of Woodrow Wilson.

This is the reason why the opposition dares to question the sovereignty of the Constitution of the United States and criticize the sanctity of the American patriot, as they do. This is the paramount reason for us patriots to have suffered untold misery through the decades, with absolutely no knowledge of why it was happening, most of the time.

Now I find yet another reason for this upheaval in America. Watch the following video which states that the United States has, as of 1871, two constitutions with Congress having passed the Act of 1871!!!

“The Act is the basis of several claims held by the sovereign citizen movement. According to these, the Act made the District, and consequently the whole United States, into a business corporation.[12] These claims stem from the term municipal corporation used in the Act.[13][14]” 

“There are many kinds of corporations; a corporation is any group authorized to legally act as a single entity; in this case, an incorporated, organized district of the United States. Most U.S. cities and counties are municipal corporations.”

“This was later used by QAnon supporters to falsely claim that former president Donald Trump would be sworn in as the 19th president of the original United States on March 4, 2021.[15] This date corresponds to the original presidential inauguration date because they claim the Twentieth Amendment is invalid as it was not passed by the original United States. On January 20, 2021,…” – Wikipedia

Wikipedia being a mainstream, socialist globalist elitist site!!!

The chaos that ensued as a result of tampering with the original document and its jurisdictions, is undeniable! We the People, MUST turn this around somehow very soon and I know we will! Good will definitely win over Evil!


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