A Picnic on the Beach: Dreamy Sands

By Ginny Sophomore

Off to the beach ๐Ÿ I went with my little doggie Freckles prancing about and my surf board ๐Ÿ„โ€โ™€๏ธ ๐Ÿ„โ€โ™‚๏ธ ๐Ÿ„ tightly tucked under my left arm.

I didnโ€™t forget a book and some delicious leftovers for a quiet picnic. I wish I had some male company. Well, one could always take oneโ€™s pick at the beach, if you would.

I was flipping through this book of poems and stopped at this one that read:

                         I want to lay
                         my head on that
                         part of you, 
                         right below
                         your shoulder
                         just above your nipple
                         and rest there
                         after a good
                         long fuck
                         on the beach
                         itโ€™s not too hot
                         and not too cold

                         I was never
                         one for reading
                         love stories
                         and maybe
                         I said 
                         โ€œdonโ€™t ask me
                         to write those love poems
                         unless they are more than
                         laced with a bit
                         of lustโ€ฆโ€
                         I must add
                         and on -
                         I did watch
                         just one movie
                         Love Story.

                         It was always
                         action, adventure,
                         comedy, maybe a
                         rom-com and
                         all the way.

                         I said,
                         โ€œwho wants to
                         live other peoplesโ€™
                         love stories
                         when you can
                         live your own.โ€

Just as I peeked over my wide brimmed straw hat ๐Ÿ‘’! – whom do I look up and in to????? โ€ฆthe eyes of a blue eyed angel of a face that invitingly says: grab me!

His eyes were as blue as the deep blue sea. Was I going to fall head over everything for this beautiful boy? I think itโ€™s a positive, yes.

Greg is such a cherub with his cute face and well formed surfboard body. Definitely a surfer and whatโ€™s next – Iโ€™m in to him, hook ๐Ÿช line and sinker ๐ŸŽฃ

There was this paddle boat parked a few paces from where I was spread out on the towel under my umbrella ๐Ÿ– We were on it and out at sea while Freckles decided to curl up on my towel right under the umbrella after all of his yapping and prancing about.

I had taken my Boxing Day left overs and we began munching on the turkey and mustard salad diagonals and some very moist fruit cake.

It was as nice a time to get to know each other as ever. He was impressing me with all of his knowledge that he ever bore, about life on the beach and being out at sea ๐ŸŒŠ

I was feeling this strange feeling for him like what I felt for Michael some time ago. I just felt like I wanted to get back to the beach when Greg started to touch me on my neck! How did he know?!

A welcoming scrawl on the beach greeted us. Someone had decided to say –

Once we got back I went to creating a snowman โ˜ƒ๏ธ on the sand. Greg was all friendly about it, helping me with stacking the buckets full of sand until the semblance of a snowman came to light. I had come prepared for this and I was totally grateful for the great company. It was more than a pleasant surprise for both of us in finding each other.

The snowman erection got us slamming each other with balls of sand. Before we knew it we were all over ourselves like a pair of cuddly bears kissing and all. Guess we didnโ€™t know we had so much love inside of us waiting to be let out, saved from a long time for that special person to come along. Saving all our kisses for us to happen ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—

It was after some time when they came to their senses that they realised where they were at. There was no turning back from this place.

Greg knew where she tingled and she knew that thing he needed. It was desirably the tongue kissing while having a quick one. So yearnsome and wetting.

They wouldnโ€™t move from where they were holding each other tight for a long time, when they started to explore themselves to an exciting pitch. They couldnโ€™t care less who looked at them. It was pure sensation personified.

A new love was born just like that. It is the reason for the season. Love conqureth all was meant exactly for them in total unfathomable bliss.

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