In the Spotlight
By Alicia Powe of The Gateway Pundit, Slay News, Leaf Blogazine and NOQ Report
Published June 2
4th June 2022
The fact that this coterie of elite are even gathering at all, let alone in secret, to decide on the future path of humanity is an atrocious one. That they have the gumption to believe that some part of humanity can directly have a say in the affairs of the men and women of this planet, and that too by proxy, is an abomination in itself. When men and women have a perfectly desirable method of deciding our fate by the very democratic method of voting for our aims and aspirations to come through, why would we need this altogether new system that is conducted in secret, at that, to get in the way of our progress ?!
Further, what is Senator Kyrsten Sinema and Peter Thiel doing there ? I thought the later dropped out of the Twitter board to work for the Trump campaign ? Senator Kyrsten Sinema being the saving grace that saved the day for America along with her colleague, Senator Joe Manchin to retain the filibuster in the process of voting in congress. What would she have to do with this derided group of past their sell by date cunning old men ? Is she there so the People of this world will have a window to the secrecy going on amongst them ? Is she there to be brow beaten by the rest of them for failing to get rid of the filibuster ? I’d really like an answer to that question.
The Bilderberg group is the precursor to the Council on Foreign Relations which is a stronghold of the deep state cabal. Leaf Blogazine has written extensively on these crooks of all time in numerous posts to the Blogazine. Go check them out.
- Sharmini Jayawardena
Here’s what Slay News has to say about the Bilderberg meeting:
One of the world’s most powerful meetings is now underway in Washington, DC.
More than 120 of Europe and North America’s elite from the world of politics, business, big tech, media and academia are convening at the notoriously secretive 68th Bilderberg Meeting from June 2 to 5 to discuss key global issues.
The secretive summit of the global elite is taking place for the first time in three years due to the plandemic.
The key topics for discussion this year include:
Geopolitical Realignment
NATO Challenges
Indo-Pacific Realignment
Sino-US Tech Competition
Continuity of Government and the Economy
Disruption of the Global Financial System
Energy Security and Sustainability
Post Pandemic Health
Fragmentation of Democratic Societies
Trade and Deglobalisation
Among this year’s guests are Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, Henry Kissinger, former CIA head David Petraeus, former Google CEO Eric Schmidt, venture capitalist and GOP megadonor Peter Thiel.
Influential political and business leaders who have previously attended the Bilderberg Conference include former U.S. President Bill Clinton, businessman and former Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and International Monetary Fund director Christine Lagarde.
The conference, initially started by the Dutch royal family in 1954, is seen as the genesis for ideas ranging from free trade agreements like NAFTA to the creation of the European Union.
But it is the subject of controversy given its powerful list of attendees and its private nature. The secretive meetings are held under Chatham House Rules, which allow participants to use and report information exchanged there, but prohibit participants from not disclosing the source.
Many believe those in attendance of the meeting are selected to impose a “new world order.”
The documentary “Shade The Motion Picture” begins its journey at the Bilderberg Conference in 2012 in Chantilly, Virginia and showcases the group’s covert history.
Here’s the Noq Report on the same topic:
Every year, between 120-150 leaders in politics, academia, business, and journalism meet behind closed doors to discuss how to make things “better.” But a quick look at some of the participants tells us it’s very likely not something that we want happening. There may be nothing we can do to stop it, but we need to get the word out that it’s even happening.
Here are some noteworthy names in attendance right now:
Audrey Azoulay, Director-General, UNESCO
José Manuel Barroso, Chairman, Goldman Sachs International LLC
Albert Bourla, Chairman and CEO, Pfizer Inc.
William J. Burns, Director, CIA
Tarun Chhabra, Senior Director for Technology and National Security, National Security Council
Bernard Émié, Director General, Ministry of the Armed Forces
Henry A. Kissinger, Chairman, Kissinger Associates Inc.
Yann LeCun, Vice-President and Chief AI Scientist, Facebook, Inc.
Mark Little, President, and CEO, Suncor Energy Inc.
Bernard Looney, CEO, BP plc
Martin Lundstedt, CEO and President, Volvo Group
Tobias Lütke, CEO, Shopify
Zanny Minton Beddoes, Editor-in-Chief, The Economist
Mark Rutte, Dutch Prime Minister
Eric E. Schmidt, Former CEO and Chairman, Google LLC
Kevin Scott, CTO, Microsoft Corporation
Kyrsten Sinema, Senator
Jens Stoltenberg, Secretary General, NATO
Jake Sullivan, Director, National Security Council
Peter Thiel, President, Thiel Capital LLC