In the Spotlight
Shared by Don T. Mashak
Re: WATCH Hearing: June 23rd 2:30 – AJ Kern v Ilhan Omar & MN SOS
Way to go AJ…. Unbelievable that no one else seems to care about a possible foreign nationalist sitting in Congress and serving on the FOREIGN AFFAIRS COMMITTEE…TOTALLY INCREDIBLE IF TRUE…WHY IS NO ONE INTERESTED IN FINDING OUT THE TRUTH BEHIND THIS POTENTIAL BOONDOGGLE EXCEPT BRAVE AJ KERN?
From: AJ Kern <>
Sent: Sunday, June 19, 2022 5:24 PM
To: aj kern <>
Subject: WATCH Hearing: June 23rd 2:30 – AJ Kern v Ilhan Omar & MN SOS
Hello Patriots,
I am a Christian Conservative challenging Ilhan Omar in the Democratic primary in MN 5th Congressional District.
I filed to run in the Democratic primary in order to have ‘standing’ to request the court verify Ilhan Omar’s citizenship which is currently unknown and unverifiable.
It’s highly likely we have a foreign nationalist sitting in Congress and serving on the Foreign Affairs Committee. This is a clear national security risk.
A hearing is scheduled June 23rd at 2:30 and may be watched online. (see below)
The Minnesota Secretary of State, Steve Simon, and Ilhan Omar have made a motion to be dismissed from the case.
Please go to to see my video visit to the MN SOS’s office. The SOS does not verify citizenship of the foreign-born when they register to vote (voter fraud) or run for federal office (candidate fraud). It’s clear the SOS is not verifying the citizenship of the foreign-born when they register to vote. State legislators should address this voter fraud. Hello GOP!!
I have attached the civil complaint and memorandum. You may also view the documents on
The left-leaning judge is most likely to dismiss this case but we should not drop this issue. I have done this pro se but if I appeal I will need an attorney. I am not an attorney and I do not know the law and procedure well enough.
I am also unsure if I will be provided an opportunity to speak during the hearing but I will be prepared if the judge allows me to rebut.
This is a fight worth fighting. I have spent hours reaching out to the media… but, the media are more concerned about being called ‘birthers’ or ‘racist’… apparently. I have interviewed with a journalist at Newsmax and the Post and Email have published two articles. Newsmax may be waiting until after the hearing to publish an article… or not. It’s hard to believe this isn’t news!!
Has a Conservative ever ran in a Democratic primary? Why are there RINOs (Republican In Name Only) and no DINOs (Democrat In Name Only)? I can tell you President John F. Kennedy would be considered more of a Conservative by today’s standards and would have never embraced a Socialist Bernie Sanders or a Marxist Ilhan Omar into the party. Remember the Bay of Pigs?
Please share… And, feel free to contact legislators and members of Congress. Why aren’t the MN GOP helping? MN GOP members of Congress should be working to get the U.S. Congressional Ethics Committee and Administrative Committee to verify Omar’s citizenship as well as checking credentials for all those in Congress holding dual-citizenship which the U.S. Constitution does not include. Simply because you must be a citizen does not mean a citizen or a dual-citizen!
Finally, and most importantly… I need your prayers. God is able. We must appeal to Him in this spiritual warfare. Only He, through His Holy Spirit, can direct the heart and mind of this judge.
Thank you for your time and prayers,
AJ Kern