In the Spotlight
By Cara Castronuova
Published July 29, 2022
Guy Reffitt will become the first January 6th trial defendant to be sentenced on Monday. Reffitt was the first J6 Prisoner to go to jury trial back in March. He was found guilty of civil disorder, obstruction of justice and other felony charges by a D.C. jury proven to be biased and incapable of being impartial.
** Please help Guy Reffitt HERE.
Reffitt has penned a last minute letter to Biden (see full letter below) in hopes that the Department of Justice will show him some clemency as he is desperate to get back to his family in Texas. Reffitt has spent over a year and a half first in pre-trial detention and then awaiting sentencing at DC Gitmo.
With the terrorism charge enhancement, Reffitt’s attorney Clinton Broden said the sentence imposed can be as high as 60 years.
The Government is asking Judge Dabney Friedrich to sentence Reffitt to at least 15 years in prison on Monday. Prosecutors argue that an “upward departure for terrorism” is warranted in Reffitt’s case, which would lead to a significantly longer sentence if the judge agrees to apply it. Which means Reffitt will serve time for terrorism, although he was never convicted of it by a jury.
Please see Guy Reffitt’s letter here:
President Biden,
I write you today proudly as an American born citizen, born free but now reaching out from a small cage in Washington D.C. I exercised my right to vote and want to be square with you- I did not vote for you. Nevertheless, I am a citizen of the United States of America, just like you. In this instance my vote should be irrelevant as no American, regardless of their political choices, should be persecuted for casting a vote.
Be the President for ALL AMERICANS as you boldly promised you would in your State of the Union Address.
This Monday, August 1, 2022 I will face sentencing for my involvement in the unfortunate events of January 6th, 2021. A simple GOOGLE search of my name – Guy Reffitt – will show all the details of my charges. Despite what you may read, I did not engage in any violence that day and came to DC with no intention to do so. As the leader of the free world I beg you to watch the actual footage of my actions on CCT footage from Camera 0924, this would categorically explain the full extent of my involvement.
Despite the fact I did not engage in violence or have any intent to be violent, your DOJ is asking for a 15-year sentence and is pursuing an additional upward departure for TERRORISM! I am to be punished for a crime I was never convicted of- TERRORISM!
Any objective observer can see that deeming me a “Terrorist” is a clear mischaracterization of my actions and intent. Deeming me a terrorist will set terrible precedents for protesters in the future, and this same tactic can be used against protesters and those on the left when the power pendulum inevitably swings. I would not wish this experience on my worst enemy, and I can assure you that I would not wish it on you or anyone you know or love.
My question to you is simply this – as the man who promised to unite our great country, do you agree with this unprecedented “upward departure” from the sentencing guidelines? Bear in mind, I was never at any time charged with TERRORISM! This additional charge is blatantly unfair and to any objective observer, patently unjust. For the court to blame me for the actions of others and attempt to make an example of me to strike fear in others who choose to take their case to trial is the opposite of what we stand for as the shining city on the hill. The right to a fair trial is a constitutionally protected right of all US Citizens, and any such act of intimidation is blatantly unconstitutional!
While I have been incarcerated for the last 18 months, and repeatedly subject to solitary confinement, the only money my wife and family had to survive was through GiveSendGo. My lawyer is owed $10,000 before sentencing and another $10,000 afterwards. I cannot pay this and my wife and family will suffer. My hands are tied and I am at a loss as to what to do. I am completely out of options, and compelled to write this public letter to you.
I miss my family terribly- I have my two beautiful girls and my wife waiting for me at home. They are suffering terribly. So many American families are suffering- three or four January 6th defendants have even committed suicide. We have lost everything and so many others now live in fear.
For the sake of our shared values as Americans, lead the way in bringing the over the top and punitive attacks against J6ers to an end! Innocent lives are being destroyed in all of this. My wife and daughters experience daily threats and attacks – all for the “sin” of loving me and supporting me. They were not there that day and bear no responsibility for anything that occurred, but their lives have been turned upside down needlessly and unfairly. I am not a terrorist, I am not racist, nor am I a white supremacist. I am nothing more than a red-blooded American, and I am immensely thankful and proud of everything this great nation has given me and my family. For the sake of my wife and children, I beg you thoughtful consideration of a return to reason.
I have had a lot of time to think. The ever growing evil and vicious political divisiveness in America must stop. Now is the time to UNITE this nation; and HEAL this nation. Any further division of this country, that causes those holding power to weaponize their authority against political enemies is not what America ought to be. We need a clear-eyed understanding that the political pendulum will eventually swing in the opposite direction, and none of us want to live in a country where political opponents are classified as terrorists. This course of action will only serve to further divide an already divided people and will ultimately lead to our demise as a nation. None of us want that outcome.
America has a long and storied history of being an honest people, a fair people, and a just people. WE THE PEOPLE, whether left or right, Democrat or Republican, must unite and finally put our differences behind us. That is the only way that the long overdue and necessary healing can start. Be the President for ALL AMERICANS, as you boldly promised you would, in your State of the Union Address. I am asking that you send a message to all Americans that you are the bigger man, and the better man as you have claimed. The time has come to cast aside the political division and embrace those fundamental principles that should UNITE every single American. You have the power to do something truly amazing. I ask you consider advocating for me to the Justice Department and sentencing judge- they are trying to put me away for 15 plus years using the “upward departure” of terrorism.
Thank you for your time and consideration. May God Bless You, and may GOD BLESS AMERICA!
Guy Reffitt
Read More on this story HERE ⬇️