In the Spotlight
By Don T. Mashak
Backgrounder on the Brunson Case before the Supreme Court. The #Brunson Case has the potential to unseat Congress and the President.
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#Politics #MAGA #2A #BlueDog #Conservatives #CFR #WEF #RedPill #Women #Boomers #GenX #Millennials #GenZ #Teen #Zoomers #GenA #Highschool #FFA #college #VoTech #Trump #Libertarian #Military #Election #Bank #FED #FEDBank #DonMashak #Progressive #Globalism #Rothschilds #Soros #Rockefeller #Republican #Democrat #Racism #Xenophobia #Sexism #Constitution #RINOs #DINOs
@realDonaldTrump @Lisa_Haven @ScottPresler @TimPost @AmyMek @ninoboxer @MNCourts @USSupremeCourt

#Español Antecedentes del Caso Brunson ante la Corte Suprema. El Caso #Brunson tiene el potencial de derrocar al Congreso y al Presidente.
#Política #MAGA #2A #BlueDog #Conservadores #CFR #WEF #RedPill #Mujeres #Boomers #GenX #Millennials #GenZ #Teen #Zoomers #GenA #Highschool #FFA #college #VoTech #Trump #Libertarian #Military #Election #Banco #FED #FEDBank #DonMashak
#Progresivo #Globalismo #Rothschilds #Soros #Rockefeller #Republicano #Demócrata #Racismo #Xenofobia #Sexismo #Constitución #RINOs #DINOs
@realDonaldTrump @Lisa_Haven @AmyMek @ScottPresler @TimPost @NinoBoxer @MNCourts @USSupremeCourt

#中文 最高法院审理布伦森案的背景资料。布伦森案有可能推翻国会和总统。
#Politics #MAGA #2A #BlueDog #Conservatives #CFR #WEF #RedPill #Women #Boomers #GenX #Millennials #GenZ #Teen #Zoomers #GenA #Highschool #FFA #college #VoTech #Trump #Libertarian #Military #Election #Bank #FED #FEDBank #DonMashak #Progressive #Globalism #Rothschilds #Soros #Rockefeller #Republican #Democrat #Racism #Xenophobia #Sexism #Constitution #RINOs #DINOs @Lisa_Haven @ScottPresler @TimPost
@realDonaldTrump @Lisa_Haven @AmyMek @ScottPresler @TimPost @ninoboxer @MNCourts @USSupremeCourt

Those were my thoughts.
Thank you for your time.
In Liberty,
Don Mashak
The Cynical Patriot
Rt 1 Box 231
Albertville MN 55301