The Globalist Cabal is Dead!

In the Spotlight

20th September 2024

Bonnie Ruth Allen Straight with Dottore Roberto and 48 others

President Trump has announced that the Quantum Financial System (QFS) is now activated and is awaiting confirmation from the US Treasury in Reno that the new gold/asset backed US banknote is active. Over 900 bankers have been arrested by the Global Alliance Army and sent to GITMO for trial, due to their attempts to prevent the Global Monetary Reset (GCR). Upon activation of the GCR, these bankers and the Deep State Cabal globalists would lose control of the Global Financial System, which they have held since 1871, and more fully since 1913.

On Sunday, August 30, 2024, at 6:00 PM EST, all bank accounts were converted to gold/asset backed currencies in the QFS, marking the end of the “Central Banking System” that perpetuated global “debt slavery.” The QFS operates independently of the centralized banking system, preventing nefarious use of funds and denying bankers access to individual accounts. Bank of America, JP Morgan, and Goldman Sachs, along with other major banks, are rumored to be insolvent, although these banks and central banks around the world have been absorbed into the Global Military Alliance. 

As banks adapt to the QFS, they will either close or transition to serving only customers, with the system ensuring that each QFS account is owned solely by the account holder, not by banks or governments. This transition sets up for a global financial meltdown expected this week. Despite a media blackout, reports indicate a global liquidity and credit crisis, with outages affecting banks and online payment systems in the United States and Europe. In Australia, customers have been turned away when trying to withdraw money, while discussions of bank runs are being banned on social media. 

The stock market is expected to fall by 20% this week, with possible further declines totalling 85-96%. Tether and other stablecoins could fail, causing cryptocurrencies to crash. Bitcoin servers may shut down, and 99.5% of cryptocurrencies will be switched to Chinese currencies. Hedge funds are likely to collapse, and banks may fail to meet critical margin levels, leaving the bankrupt Federal Reserve holding an empty pocket. 

The insolvency of the US dollar is making international headlines as silver and gold prices soar. US bonds are expected to be dumped, sending interest rates sky-high. This catastrophe dates back to the treacherous Act of 1871, which illegally handed control of US taxpayer dollars to globalist bankers, leading to the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913 and economic control by the Federal Reserve Bank, a private corporation. The Deep State Cabal, through decades of corruption, has put the world in debt, spending taxpayers’ money on their own agendas.

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